Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fashion Forward Friday

Better late than never! I just remembered Fashion Forward Friday and it's Sunday so I'm sure the anticipation was killing you. Here it is!
Lumber Jill, I think, is the name of this outfit. It's pretty much the same combo of skirt, shirt, and tights that I've been doing lately but with a Northwestern twist. And by that I mean the plaid and the boots.
Lumber Jill day was cold and foggy! I had the day off and had a wonderful 'alone breakfast', which is exactly what it sounds like: I have breakfast alone and read and journal. The rest of the day I spent looking at apartments. Exhausting and exciting! Fingers crossed that we get the first one we applied for because:
1. It's a great place
2. I hate filling out rental applications and paying for credit checks

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