Monday, May 31, 2010

Go to the mattresses

So today I'm walking home from having a fantastic breakfast (eggs, rice and refried beans, tortillas, and 'diner coffee') and thinking about how I should finally get around to finding a mattress. For the past 2 months I've been sleeping on a foam pad on the floor of my room, which is surprisingly comfortable but doesn't feel like 'real' sleeping. As I'm debating craigslist vs mattress store vs Ikea I come across a house where someone is moving out (thank you, Calendar, it is the 31st) and, behold, there are 2 box springs and a mattress FOR FREE on the steps. I came back in a few minutes with my very helpful roommate Neil and we carried my new mattress down one block and up two flights of stairs to my room. I'm sitting on it now and it's quite comfortable.
I've been reading Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami and so the first thing I thought as I walked away with my new mattress was Did I make this happen by just thinking about it? In Murakami's world that would be the case. Crazy things just keep happening to his characters but the way he writes them they seem normal until you're like, wait, what?!?! I guess it's kind of like Gabriel Garcia Marquez with magical realism. If my mattress turns out to be full of gold or I start having dreams about all the people who have slept on this mattress then I'll know that I'm living a life of magical realism. Until then I'm happy to know that I saved about $50-$200 (on the low end) today. Magical! Realism!


  1. Hehe Ann,
    Kafka on the Shore was an amazing read. And now on One Hundred Years of Solitude. Can totally relate to what your saying! BTW, received a message from Jonathan today. Cocktails soon?

  2. Of course you came across a free mattress. It's San Francisco! I miss all the street finds.
