Monday, June 14, 2010

The Blog Days of Summer

Good blog: A blog related to a very specific theme, such as 'Cute Hairstyles' or 'Historic Letterhead'. You always know what you're going to write about, speak to a clearly defined audience, maybe even provide a valuable service.
Bad blog: A blog about moving to a new city and...then what? Run by a blogger with plenty of time but not plenty of discipline. Seriously. Tonight I spent almost an hour looking for a way to watch Season 2 Episode 1 of Grey's Anatomy. Which I've already seen twice.
Bad, bad AnnFrancisco. Lazy, distractable blogger. But really, I'm at kind of a loss here. Now that I've been living in SF for almost 3 months WHAT DO I WRITE ABOUT? It's not all new and exciting anymore- it's just life. Here's some potential options:
1. Keep writing about my life, which feels like a self-involved option. But I was the one who started a blog completely and solely about myself in the first place so...
2. Abandon the blog and start a new one about something specific. I've been reading a lot of book review blogs lately so maybe one of those? You get free books! I also found this one, which is so cool and creative.
3. Abandon the blog and not start another one. Just not blog anymore.
Are there other options?
While I mull this over I'll give an update on what I've been doing for the past few weeks. I got an (unpaid, duh) INTERNSHIP at a PUBLISHING COMPANY! I'm so excited. I'm learning a lot about publishing and about working at a computer all day (bring snacks but keep them across the room so you don't eat tortilla chips ALL day) and many other interesting things. This company publishes books for teens so a lot of my projects are really fun and teen-y. For example, I've spent two entire days just looking at teen blogs on the internet. Yes, I am 100% sure that this is what sparked my insecurity about my blog. These, like, 14 year old girls have such cool blogs! They're so good at the internet! They have giveaways! They can write well! Who are these girls??
So I've been working away at Pubs and at Coffee and that keeps me busy busy busy. I'm starting to miss all the free time I had when I first moved here. My next afternoon (or maybe even full day!) off I'm going on an adventure. I want to ride the bus to somewhere I haven't been yet and explore. Great idea? I think so. Inviting disaster? Most likely.
I'm going to have to think about this blogging issue for a few days. If you have any ideas (all 4 or 5 of you readers) please let me know. Meanwhile, here's some cool blogs I found at Pubs (mostly by amazing teens or even tweens): this girl is adorable and doing a really smart, witty project. omg JaneAustenJaneAustenJaneAusten book reviews. I'm telling you: you start on one review blog and it's a slippery slope until you're reading so many book reviews that you forget to do laundry (oops). food and fashion in San Francisco. I really like her blog design. I do get kiiiiiiiind of annoyed with how obsessed she is with her boyfriend. always always always a hit and something I highly recommend.

1 comment:

  1. Annfrancisco is a fantastic blog and you should absolutely not abandon it. Idea: continue to blog about the city, and all the wonderful (regular, but only regular because its SF) things there are. Like free plants on the weekends, shutting down the streets, speakeasys, tightrope walkers in the park upgrading to a Sebring... come on, this couldn't happen just anywhere!
